March 8, 2011

Return of the Shamrock

There are a few things I look forward to every year.  One of them is the short return of the Shamrock Shake from McDonalds.  Silly as it may seem, I know it's only around for a few weeks, and always have to have one. 

Today my Dad and Amaya returned home from skating with a Shamrock Shakes for us.  Being Mama of the year, meant that Tayah needed to try it too.  But she does not know how to use a straw.... however....she must have loved it, as she figured out the straw very quickly and kept going for more. 

And as if the sugar rush from the milkshake wasn't enough, she felt the need to have some of Amaya's yogurt too!  What a good big sister she is, she never complains and always does everything she can for her baby sister.

Not that you can tell from these pictures, but we do actually feed Tayah real food too!  She looks ravenous, silly girl.

March 3, 2011

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