February 9, 2011

A Blast From the Past

When I was growing up, my mom made a treat for us called Knox Blox.  Basically any flavour of Jello, and a package of Knox Gelatin.  Yum.

For Brownies tonight, Amaya needed to bring green jello for Green Day.  At first I was just going to make a few packages of regular jello, but then decided it was time to introduce her to Knox Blox. 

You just make Jello as you normally would and then add in 4 packages of Knox gelatin.  Then put a cookie tray into the fridge, slowly pour the liquid into the tray and let it set.

The best part of Knox Blox is that you can use cookie cutters and make superfun shapes!!

February 7, 2011

1 comment:

  1. i am so gonna make this for the daycare kids!!!!
    so cool :)

    ps i just remebered that i have not written my name on any of the previous posts, so the anonymous commets are me

