February 21, 2011

Thanks Louis

Today was Louis Riel Day in Manitoba (ie: Family Day) (ie: an extra day off work for Dino) (ie: an extra day off school for Amaya).   In the morning we just did some stuff around the house, fun stuff like cleaning and laundry!  And in the afternoon we made use of our Y membership and took the girls swimming.  

I thought I was being such a great wife getting a bag ready for Dino with a nice big towel.  Until, as we were walking out of the house he said "Wow, thanks for giving me a grocery bag".  Oops.  Didn't quite think of it that way till he mentioned it.

Bag for me and the girls on the left, and super fancy boy bag... err grocery bag... for Dino on the right.

Both girls just love the water, so it's always fun to take them to the pool.  We had never been to that specific location before, and it was just so awesome.  We also got to test out our new Wetbag from The Sling Sisters.  Worked like a charm, and held all of our wet suits!

Our Sling Sisters Wetbag

Itty Bitty Baby Suit (too cute not to post a picture of!)

Because we didn't leave the house until almost 4, that meant it was going to be very late when we actually got home to make and eat dinner.  So I'd like to make a special shout out to Wendy's for being on the way home and making us some very yummy burgers and potatoes!

All in all, a fantastic day spent with my wonderful little family. 

February 21, 2011


  1. We had a nice Family Day too!! We also happen to love Wendy's and your wet bag is very pretty!!

